My PureWater is committed to improve water quality in all areas of life with its WATERspin products. This includes individual homes, but also and especially businesses, food manufacturing and the environment.
We are thus making a contribution to a responsible usage of our most valuable natural resource for our future and for generations to come.
Our vision is to create a simple, affordable and sustainable solution to provide pure water of the highest quality. And to do so in a way that is affordable for everyone.
At the same time, there should be as few follow-up costs as possible and no involvement of any chemicals. We are convinced that a WATERspin can provide just that. We can build on this. A first step that each of us can take to join in and follow a more sustainable lifestyle.

We want less detergent, less shampoo, less salts, less pesticides, less fertilizer in groundwater and less additives in food. And that’s not all: we want more natural ingredients and minerals in our water, durability for machines and equipment, more ecological contribution for plants and animals.
THAT is why a WATERspin does not simply filter the valuable components out of the water, but renaturalizes and decompresses it. It releases the natural energy of water, helping us to save and conserve resources.